
Tuesday 23 October 2012

POM Sorter 1.0.5 is out

We've repackaged the files to "pl.itcrowd", added icons and default sorting mode for "dependencies".

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Mocking FindBugs

In previous post on writing FindBugs plugin I've said it is very immune to testing. Since today it's different.

Organizing JCMA Workshop - dos and donts

We've recently organized and lead Java Coder's Modern Arsenal Workshop. It was our first such event. We've commited several mistakes and had some cool ideas, all making valuable lesson. We want to share our experience with you.

Monday 15 October 2012

Writing FindBugs plugin

Ever needed some custom checks in FindBugs? See how to write your own detectors.

Friday 5 October 2012

JSF Component must not be script

Recently we needed form to create JSF composite component that would bind custom Ajax event handler to a form. We simply made it output <script id="xxx">...</script>. And it was mistake!

@Observes inheritance

Weld-core:1.1.8.Final fixed important issue (WELD-1111) concerning inheritance of member-level metadata for generic types. Now we can have parametrized super classes with @Observes methods!

Monday 1 October 2012

Contest for new company page design

We are happy to announce that contest for new design of our company page has finished!